Running our suvey about 3 months (August - October 2019), almost 2000 citizens have filled out the survey on the perceptions of Urban Ponds! This means that we have a lot of data to quality assess and analyze in the coming months. We expect to have first results ready in 2020.
More information coming soon...
Together with the Urban algae team we developed the field sampling protocol, that was used in our summer samplings. We gathered expertises of many different Urban algaers, and everyone could comment, add references, contribute with knowledge and practical experiences. Together we came up with an almost 30 pages protocol using scientific methods, to sample various parameters in urban ponds.
Next to methods on various water-quality parameters, we developed also a list of questions about the ponds' characteristics. In the field each team had to go around the pond, and investigate if the pond, for example had publicly accessible information boards, or if there were threes in a certain distance around the pond. This data will be used to identify uses and management of the ponds, as well as to categorise ponds and explain possible variation in the ecological status.
Next to this we developed a methodological approach on how to photograph the ponds. This was done, to have high quality pictures to be used in the citizen SURVEY (coming soon).
If you want to know more about out methodologies and the sampling protocol, you can contact us. The protocol will be released together with the project article, once the samplings (a survey is also a sampling) are done and the data is analysed.
We want to thank many colleagues and senior scientists (outside of Urban algae) for their expert input and especially we thank Evi Mantzouki et. al (2018) who gave us inside view in the field protocol of her European Multi Lake Survey (EMLS). Thank you all.